TravelKreator is a brand owned by Siam Express Pte Ltd, a Singapore travel company that was established in 1983 and appointed by the Ministry of Education to conduct tours for schools.
Our Vision is to Make Travel Second Nature For Everyone. We recognize that there are a lot of people in the world who don’t enjoy travelling for various reasons. Our Vision is to make each person’s travelling experience so memorable, positive, safe, seamless, educational and entertaining so that they will want to do it again and again and again until it becomes second nature.
We believe that a complete travel experience must combine the 3 magic ingredients of Customization, Education and last but not least, Entertainment. It needs to be customized because everyone’s travel requirements is different. It must be educational because if we learn nothing useful from our travels, we have wasted the trip. It must be entertaining because if it is not entertaining, you will not want to do it again.
We recognize that it’s fun to travel with a good friend who you trust but this is not always possible. We also recognize that travelling can be stressful and a lot of things can go wrong when you travel. Our professionals are very adept at making your travel as seamless and safe as possible so you have a positive and memorable experience.
We operate in an industry where customers trust us to make sure they have peace of mind when travelling. As such, we must ensure that what we promise, we deliver. That is the essence of reliability.
We operate in a fast-paced industry where every minute counts. We are always alert to customer needs and respond to them as quickly as we want others to respond to us. That is what being responsive is to us.
We operate in an industry where we deal with many other cultures and backgrounds. We must be mindful of these differences and do our job efficiently without causing offense. That is what we mean by being respectful.